Reduce My Rubbish
What can you do?
MoreWhen it comes to reducing rubbish, our local community is a great place to start. The more we can share ideas and resources, the more we can all benefit, and at the same time, keep useful items away from disposal.
Community centres and other public places may have talks and advice sessions about how to reduce waste and save money, or may be able to point you towards local organisations that can help. Look out for posters and notices in public places and items in your local paper to find out what’s on and how you can get involved.
If you have reusable items you want to get rid of, or you would like to receive items for your home, why not talk to your neighbours or attend a give and take day? This will not only help to reduce waste in your local area, but could also save you a lot of money.
See below to find out more.
Reducing the amount of rubbish you produce at home (i.e. avoiding or preventing waste in the first place) is both the most environmentally friendly and also the most cost-effective option.
By thinking differently about what you buy, how you can re-use items yourself or donate to others to reuse and how to make composting at home work for you – there are lots of ways to make a real difference:
Reusing items that you already have is a great way of reducing the amount the rubbish mountain. It can also save you money.
Instead of taking your unwanted items to the tip, try selling them on sites like eBay or Gumtree or donate them through sites like Freegle, Freecycle.
Eight of Norfolk’s Recycling Centres now have Reuse Shops, where you can donate your unwanted items instead of dumping them and pick up a bargain at the same time! Our growing network of Reuse Shops are at: Ashill, Caister, Dereham, Hempton, Ketteringham, King’s Lynn, Mayton Wood, Strumpshaw and Thetford.
Having a clear-out? Check out our Bin Genie to find out where you can take unwanted furniture and household goods to those in need. Or advertise your old furniture in your local paper or on websites such as Freecycle or Freegle.
Or try these ideas
Help promote recycling and to reduce the amount of waste going for disposal.
In 2018/19 Norfolk County Council paid over £7.8m in recycling credits to district councils and non-profit organisations like charity shops and voluntary groups. This equated to over 173,000 tonnes sent for recycling, composting or reuse. Click here for more information about Recycling Credits.