A flying ring is any type of throwing ring with a hole in the middle, including dog toy rings. They can easily get lost in water and end up as litter.

Young seals play with them and sometimes put their head through the middle. They can’t get them off and as they grow, the ring cuts into their neck causing injuries and sometimes death through infection and starvation.

How can I help?

Jenny Hobson, a member of Friends of Horsey Seals says:

Everyone can help to save our seals, here’s how:

  • Pledge to not use a flying ring on the beach or near waterways, swap it for a solid frisbee
  • Pledge to sell solid frisbees instead of flying rings in shops and beach kiosks.
  • Tell your family, friends, schools and groups about the dangers of flying rings
  • Download the Save Our Seals poster here and display it in your local area, school, or business.

+ Pledge not to use Flying Rings at the Beach here

Seals - Public
Make your pledge
Click here to confirm you have read our Privacy Policy : https://www.norfolkrecycles.com/about/privacy/

+ Pledge not to sell Flying Rings here

Seals - Business
Make your Pledge
Tick here to confirm you have read our privacy policy: https://www.norfolkrecycles.com/about/privacy/

+ What is happening in Norfolk already?

Visit Friends of Horsey Seals to find out more about their Flying Rings Campaign and their work to protect Norfolk’s seals.

Here’s what other Norfolk organisations are doing too:

Countryfile recently featured our Norfolk seals and highlighted the dangers of plastic flying rings to seals when they are lost or discarded on the beach. Watch it here BBC One – Countryfile, Norfolk North Sea (January 7th 2024 BBC2 Norfolk North Sea).