Reduce My Rubbish
What can you do?
MoreThe government has challenged schools to reduce their single-use plastics and products.
Our Reduce Single-Use Award Scheme has been specially designed to help you to reduce single-use one step at a time. The accompanying new look Primary School and Secondary School Resource Packs will guide you through the project, while our Primary School Activity Booklet provides a selection of optional assembly and activity ideas to enhance pupils’ engagement.
Sign up and you’ll begin by involving students in assessing which targets on the Primary School Charter or Secondary School Charter your school is already achieving. You will then start to think about what to tackle next, identify your targets and compile an action plan.
Your school will receive a certificate for every four targets you complete, from Bronze through to Gold.
Click here to sign up for the Reduce Single-Use Award Scheme!
Looking for some inspiration to get you started? Take a look at our case study to learn more about what Bignold Primary School have done to earn their Bronze and Silver Reduce Single-Use Awards.
As well as making changes like swapping plastic wrapped fruit and snacks for whole pieces of fruit and homemade cakes, and replacing disposable cutlery with reusable, they have also set some targets to continue working on in a bid to achieve their gold award.
The work you complete for our Reduce Single-Use Award Scheme can also contribute towards further accreditations.
Eco schools offers schools the chance to gain accreditation for introducing, managing and completing environmental actions in their organisation and local community. They offer ten different topic areas to work within, one of which is waste.
Surfers Against Sewage run a plastic free schools programme that offers further accreditation and resources for nurseries, primary schools and secondary schools. The work you’ve completed so far can contribute to this, plus you will be provided with further challenges.
Norfolk Youth Parliament campaigns on the issues that matter most to young people. It helps those aged 11-18 to have a voice on the future of Norfolk and make a positive contribution to their community. One of their current priorities is tackling plastic pollution. To find out more, get involved or contribute, click here.
Take a look at our short video for some great lunchtime swaps.
For more videos and swap ideas, visit our main Reduce Single-Use page