Garden Waste Collections

Image of garden waste binAll of the  councils in Norfolk offer a paid for garden waste collection.

You will be given a brown garden waste bin which will be collected every two weeks.






You can put the following in your garden waste bin:

  • Hedge clippings
  • Twigs and small branches
  • Cut flowers
  • Grass cuttings
  • Leaves and shrubs

Please don’t put any of the below in your garden bin

  • Soil or rubble
  • Plastic bags and pots
  • Metal
  • Glass

Find out about how to compost at home click here.

You can also take your garden waste to one of Norfolk’s Recycling Centres.

Click on your council’s logo below to find out how much a garden waste collection would cost in your area and how to order one.


Norwich City Council                    Great Yarmouth Borough Council Logo                     nndc-colour 

logo-ncc-black     snc-logo-transpa