What is community composting?
Community composting enables garden material to be collected from households in the community and composted at a local site. The resulting compost can then be used by residents.
The schemes are run by volunteers and community groups and are an excellent way in which local communities can recycle garden waste in their area. They can also help to bring members of the local community closer together.
Norfolk County Council can help provide an income from community composting through our Recycling Credits payments.
Community composting schemes
Below is a video on how Trunch Village Society Community Composting Group operates their community composting scheme. Volunteers collect garden waste from participating households. They then weigh it, shred it and place it in compost bays. The maturing compost is turned and eventually sieved, bagged and offered as compost for a donation.
Benefits of setting up a community composting scheme
- They reduce the amount of garden waste needing disposal and treatment.
- They help to reduce the environmental impacts of transporting waste.
- They produce a compost-type product that is useful and locally available.
- They can generate an income for the local community.
- They can provide opportunities for education, training and even employment in the local community.
- They provide an additional community service.
- They assist the process of partnership working and networking in the local community.
Parish and town councils could also support schemes with planning and insurance cover and benefit from any income generated and the local publicity.
How to set up a community composting scheme
There are several steps involved in setting up a scheme, for some things that you might like to consider have a look at our checklist.