Reduce My Rubbish
What can you do?
MoreAll businesses have a legal ‘duty of care’ to take all reasonable steps to store and dispose of waste safely, find up to date information, links, hints and tips for your business waste here.
The introduction of the simpler recycling legislation will mean that your business will have to ensure its waste is separated into three different bins: General Waste, Dry Recycling and Food Waste.
What does this mean for businesses?
As part of the changes, any business with 10 or more full-time equivalent employees will need to comply with the simpler recycling reforms by 31st March 2025.
Waste will need to be separated into three different collections:
Food waste can no longer be included in the residual waste stream and will need to be separated along with dry recycling.
Please note: Businesses with less than 10 full time equivalent employees (microbusinesses) need to comply with the changes however, will have until the 31st March 2027 to do so.
What types of businesses are included?
What do I need to do for my business?
To ensure that your business is compliant by the 31st March 2025, you need to have three separate collections in place. It may be worth contacting your current waste collection provider to ask if they are able to meet your requirements. Alternatively, we would recommend contacting your local council who may offer these services. Please follow the following links to be directed to local council webpages:
Why is this being introduced?
To find out more visit your local council website or visit WRAP for further advice and handy 5 step guide. Business of Recycling | WRAP
Business waste is accepted at Thetford, King’s Lynn, Dereham, Norwich North, Norwich South, Hempton and Caister recycling centres, for a charge. This service is designed to be cost effective for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and is available Monday to Friday only. More information including prices and what you can bring, can be found at .
Waste can be accepted from any premises used wholly or mainly for trade or business, or for sport, recreation, education or entertainment. This also includes waste from gardening and building work carried out on a domestic property, if the person carrying out the work is not the homeowner.
You will need to have a waste carriers licence to use this service (see below).
Some local councils and private business will offer a business waste collection service, if you choose to consider these as a disposal or recycling outlet for your waste you may wish to consider the points below for discussion.
All businesses have a legal ‘Duty of Care’ to dispose of their waste responsibly. Your business should:
For more information on how to fulfill your duty of care visit Right Waste Right Place.
Your vehicle can be seized.
You can get a criminal record.
You can face an unlimited fine.
You can be imprisoned.